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Clean, Safe Cannabis at Maple Valley Pharms

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

45% of Medical Cannabis Products Failed Testing

Recently, Maine's Office of Cannabis Policy released figures detailing how 45% of products tested from Maine's medical cannabis industry failed for mold, yeast, pesticides and other contaminants. For an industry geared toward helping individuals and improving quality of life, this is a concerning statistic.

Currently, Maine only requires product testing in the Adult-Use Cannabis market. This is counterintuitive for a number of reasons. Regardless, all of us at Maple Valley Pharms feel it is important to test our products, regardless of whether or not doing so is required by law. Furthermore, we believe the medical cannabis industry should, at the very least, be held to the same quality standards as the adult-use industry.

Does Maple Valley Pharms Test Cannabis Products?

Yes! Since these figures were released, Maple Valley Pharms has heard from a number of concerned individuals seeking clarification and product testing information.

We are proud to announce that all Maple Valley Pharms (and Snowblind Cannabis) in-house products have been tested and have passed testing for pesticides and mold.

Can Consumers Access Product Testing Results?

Yes! Any medical cannabis dispensary or caregiver who voluntarily submits products for testing receives a PDF of the results within a few days, also known as a Certificate of Analysis (CoA).

At Maple Valley Pharms, we are happy to make every testing certificate available to the public.

Visiting our Product Testing page to view CoAs for each in-house product.


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