Obtaining a medical card through Maple Valley Pharms is easy, affordable and comes with great benefits. When shopping with us, you gain access to one of the widest varieties of high quality product in the State of Maine, incredible discounts and knowledgeable Budtenders that you can trust.
Maine Medical Card Application Requirements
1) A valid Maine Driver's License or Maine State I.D.
2) Your Completed Application
3) The $40 Application Fee
Please note that there are no qualifying conditions.
The Process
Once you have provided the above requirements, Maple Valley Pharms securely transfers your information in accordance with HIPAA standards to our licensed medical provider, Marshall Hollinger NP. Upon receipt of the application, our medical provider will contact you for a very brief teleconference.
Once approved, a temporary copy of your medical card will be securely transferred to Maple Valley Pharms in accordance with HIPAA standards. Your physical copy will be mailed - please allow 3 - 5 business days for your card to arrive. Upon receipt of your temporary card, we will update your Maple Valley Pharms account and contact you to let you know when your account is ready to shop.
A question we hear frequently is "Why wouldn't I just shop at a recreational storefront that doesn't require a medical card?"
1) Taxation & Product Pricing
While having access to recreational cannabis may seem convenient and hassle-free, the State of Maine levies significant taxes on these institutions and their products that, ultimately, the customer pays. All purchases at a recreational storefront are subject to 10% sales tax. In addition to this, certain municipalities may choose to tax recreational cannabis sales even more.
As a medical storefront, Maple Valley Pharms is only required to tax cannabis sales at 5.5%. After a few visits, the money you save in taxes alone would pay for the cost of your medical card.
To put this into perspective, the average cost of an 1/8th ounce of cannabis at a recreational storefront is $50. At medical storefronts, an 1/8th ounce of high quality medical cannabis could cost as little as $25.
2) Access to Reliable Sources & Education
At Maple Valley Pharms, we expect our Budtenders to be well versed in the medicinal applications of cannabis and its derivatives. Over the course of their time with us, Budtenders are also expected to continue their cannabis education by taking Healer Training Courses provided by Dr. Dustin Sulak. This way, they are prepared to confidently answer any question as the industry evolves.
When you shop with Maple Valley Pharms, you can be sure that our Budtenders will listen to your needs, evaluate your experience and recommend products that are right for you!